Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Fill That Hole – Pothole reporting site relaunched

Last week, to mark National Pothole Day a refreshed version of the reporting tool Fill That Hole was launched ( by CyclingUK.
The site is now simpler than ever and helps councils keep roads safer.

Almost all councils accept reports through the new site, and for the small minority that don’t, the tool will link you directly to the council’s website.
Hampshire County Council are one that does accept reports.

Potholes are a plague
Potholes plague roads across our country and for all road users can become a hazard that far too often has resulted in loss of life or serious injury. Since Fill That Hole was originally launched in 2007 by the Cyclists' Touring Club (now the charity Cycling UK) nearly 200,000 potholes have been reported in the UK.

255 seriously injured or killed
Potholes are dangerous for everyone, but as Cycling UK has recently highlighted, they pose a particular risk to people cycling.
It is known that 255 people have been seriously injured or killed due to road defects in the last seven years, but the real number of injuries is likely far higher given these figures only include reports which reach the police.

Road maintenance budgets are being cut

It’s therefore little wonder Fill That Hole has proved so popular over the years, especially as councils have seen their roads maintenance budgets increasingly squeezed, worsening the nation’s pothole crisis. The latest round of proposed cuts by Hampshire County Council will make this worse in this area.

The Relaunch
However, technology has moved on since 2007, which is why Cycling UK has relaunched Fill That Hole, with support from Cycle SOS, to ensure it’s easy to use, gets reports to the right places, and can help campaign for increased investment in local roads maintenance.

About Fill That Hole:

Report a road defect