Tuesday, September 27, 2022

E-Bike Charging Points for Whitchurch?

Whitchurch has been asked to consider electric charging points for cycles due to the increase in cyclists visiting the area.

E-bike growth
The growth of electric cycle or e-bike use is an exciting development in the world of sustainable travel where climate change is such a concern. The sales of electric cycles* has dramatically increased over recent years as more people see their advantages, ranging from leisure and utility uses to economic and health benefits.

Whether for a trip into town, a ride to work or exploring our local bridleways and countryside, they can open up a world of independence and fun, while being ‘green’ and supporting the environment. They can support people with mobility/strength problems, assist the elderly to obtain exercise, help office workers arrive fresh and unsweaty, and get you up that hill to the station!

Electric bikes have certainly arrived and they are here to stay.

Electric cycles now outsell cars globally and in China there are even now more e-bikes than cars on the roads. In Europe Germany is leading the way, while in the UK the market is growing by the day. Neither do you have to buy a full bike as there are now many e-bike kits you can fit to an existing bike.

Supporting the e-bike
Meanwhile vast sums are spent by Councils and public bodies for the motorist, so what infrastructure and support can be provided for this expanding and much more environmentally friendly mode of transport?

Charging options
Most e-bikes are charged at home, but many businesses such as cafés will also allow users to quickly top up batteries in just as they allow laptop use or phone charging. Of course buying a coffee and cake while waiting brings trade to the business too.

There are other options too.
One company that has looked at electric charging points is Bosch who in 2018 introduced a ‘PowerStations’ network in certain tourist areas. These consist of secured indoor lockers where batteries could be left to charge.

Others have followed suit with more easily accessible outdoor e-bike charging stations often being installed as part of cycle parking facilities and sometimes linked with repair stands incorporating pumps and sometimes basic tools. However these need to be visible and accessible such as in shopping areas or outside public buildings. If they are hidden away as afterthoughts or located in car parks or service areas they won’t be used.

Will Whitchurch recognise the benefits of supporting the e-bike, its users, and the environmental and economic benefits?
We shall see.

* note that ‘electric cycles’ or ‘e-bikes’ here refers to the legal ones for use in the UK which are pedal assist where the power is only of assistance when the cycle is being actively pedalled and also where the power is shut off at 15.5mph. Other countries have different regulations.

There is a mass of excellent information and advice here: