Thursday, March 4, 2021

Loss of Whitchurch Loos (and elsewhere)


Whitchurch could be due to lose its public loos, along with other locations in north Hampshire as the cuts are made to services.

Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council who run the facility is hoping to transfer the responsibility to Whitchurch Town Council but if that isn’t agreed then they will be closed.
The same applies to St Mary Bourne, Kingsclere and Tadley.

Many cyclists, and other visitors as well as residents, find the public toilets essential. They come to Whitchurch, enjoy the cafés, buy refreshments and often will need the loo. Cycling events that attract hundreds of participants such as the Audax rides or local Sportives and Charity rides pass through the town too, using it as a refreshment stop.

It’s not just for cyclists comfort though, as cycling is one of the most valuable activities a town can attract, with cyclists spending more than other visitors, bringing trade to local businesses.

Covid has also made public conveniences even more important with the need for regular hand washing and cleanliness and they are of utmost importance to families with young children, the disabled and elderly.

To close this essential service will make the town less attractive to visit.
Closing them is short-sighted.

Please contact the Town Council with your views.