Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Cycle Parking Survey

Whitchurch Town Council has launched a survey to find out where cycle parking could be provided in the town.
If you visit Whitchurch, even if only occasionally, you can help.

Do you visit the cafés, shops, parks, businesses, local services? Where would help you?

Early in 2020 the Town Council had installed parking racks in the centre to help prevent leaning on windows and to provide facilities for cyclists wanting to call into the cafés and shops.
A number of local businesses along with some residents lobbied the Council and the decision was overturned and the racks removed.
Where do these cycle parking racks now go? There are 8 available.

It is noticeable that cycling has massively increased and with the easing in lockdown and the better weather it is likely to grow further.

Cycles are already starting to be leant against walls and windows in the centre as cyclists like to park close to where they are visiting. Cyclists bring trade, as well as easing road space, reducing NHS costs and helping Climate Change aims so we should be encouraging it even more.

The Town Council’s Survey is here and runs until 26th April 2020:


Monday, March 15, 2021

Inclusive Cycling for all?

Could Whitchurch have an inclusive cycling facility akin to the Wheels for Wellbeing charity scheme, now we have a potential location at Mill Springs?

These centres are popping up across the country to help those of all ages and abilities who wish to cycle safely, as well as help the less able enjoy exercise, the outdoors and meeting others.

Inclusivity, well-being, independence…
As well as general support for anyone who wishes to cycle they provide a range of cycles of various types to help both those less able and those who are maybe returning to cycling and to help maintain independence, join in a social activity, improve health, address inequalities and have fun – and with the added benefit that all helps our climate change needs too.

SUSTRANS is a leader in providing support for inclusive cycling.

Support for training
Such a centre could provide a location for road safety training for young people, for learning to ride sessions and for confidence building to use our roads.

In addition there may be the opportunity to couple it with a small maintenance/training facility to help people fix their own bikes and learn simple bike care, or for young people to learn about cycle mechanics and repairs for future employment skills.

Mill Springs could be a suitable site with access to the new cycle path, close proximity to open areas for learning/confidence building, easy access to the Skatepark/BMX track and wider routes out into the local countryside.

Could this be for Whitchurch?
Its just an idea at the moment, but one that could grow, Being central also to Basingstoke, Newbury, Andover and Winchester, it might even attract others to our town. Whitchurch could become a true centre for cycling, not just for inclusive cycling but also in attracting visitors to its shops, businesses and the wonderful countryside that surrounds the town.
Anyone up for it as a local project?

Sustrans have a good guide to inclusive cycling here:
CYCLING FOR EVERYONE – A guide for inclusive cycling

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Loss of Whitchurch Loos (and elsewhere)


Whitchurch could be due to lose its public loos, along with other locations in north Hampshire as the cuts are made to services.

Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council who run the facility is hoping to transfer the responsibility to Whitchurch Town Council but if that isn’t agreed then they will be closed.
The same applies to St Mary Bourne, Kingsclere and Tadley.

Many cyclists, and other visitors as well as residents, find the public toilets essential. They come to Whitchurch, enjoy the cafés, buy refreshments and often will need the loo. Cycling events that attract hundreds of participants such as the Audax rides or local Sportives and Charity rides pass through the town too, using it as a refreshment stop.

It’s not just for cyclists comfort though, as cycling is one of the most valuable activities a town can attract, with cyclists spending more than other visitors, bringing trade to local businesses.

Covid has also made public conveniences even more important with the need for regular hand washing and cleanliness and they are of utmost importance to families with young children, the disabled and elderly.

To close this essential service will make the town less attractive to visit.
Closing them is short-sighted.

Please contact the Town Council with your views.