Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Use of Community Infrastructure Levy

Whitchurch Town Council has put out a request for suggestions as to how it should spend CIL. Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge which can be levied on new development. It can be used to help deliver the local infrastructure that is needed to support the development. It is collected by the local planning authority, which in this area is Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council.

The Town Council has stated that it currently holds £13,240.49 of CIL contributions.

It has also stated that:

"The categories of expenditure are Physical (highways & transportation, pedestrian and cycle networks, energy supplies, utilities, flood alleviation measures), Social (education, health, social care, community halls, sports halls) and Green (public open spaces, play areas, parks)."

A suggestion...
Cycle Whitchurch has asked that a small amount of the funding is used to improve cycle parking within the town that would both enhance the street scene, provide an amenity for local and visiting cycle users, and support business and travel needs.
Its provision also supports the aims of the local Neighbourhood Plan, Hampshire's Local Transport Plan and helps mitigate the Climate Emergency.

'Plantlock' cycle parking
It can be placed under
shop windows or in paved areas
The suggestion made is for 'Plantlock' style parking which consists of containers that are dual use – for both containing attractive street enhancing planting as well as providing a place to lock cycles without the need to use shop windows or similar.

It has also been suggested that they could be used for promoting 'edible community planting' such as herbs and similar plants. There are volunteers who could help with this.

Such features are used in many other locations enhancing the local environments.
At low cost it would be a very good use of the some of the CIL monies.
It is hoped Whitchurch Town Council agrees. 

Déja vue at Mill Springs Cycle Path

Once again the poor construction of the Cycle/Footpath at the Barry Jackman Sports pitch site at Mill Springs in Whitchurch has raised its ugly head.

The site, which still remains virtually unused under the ownership and management of Whitchurch Town Council, has been dubbed by some as the biggest white elephant in the town. Others are less kind claiming it to be the most expensive dog walking/dog poo field in the area.
Despite many thousands being spent by the Council on maintenance it remains a drain on the local taxpayer's pocket, and one that even public auditors have questioned.
However in recent weeks we hear the situation is improving and users are being found.

But it is primarily the cycle path that concerns us.

Déja vue – Cycle Path Cracks
The surface of the cycle path that runs through the area is breaking up again just two years after the same defect had been already been 'repaired' by resurfacing.

The cracks are likely to be caused by poor construction/repairs allowing untreated plants to break through the surface of the asphalt during the spring/summer months. There should be a barrier to prevent this happening.

Small 'star' patterned cracking is starting to re-appear that is likely to become worse once the winter frosts come. Freezing water expands such cracks and the surface can break up. This weathering action is one of the major creators of dangerous potholes.
If not dealt with they can result in an uneven and dangerous surface for cycling and walking, and in particular for those with sight or mobility impairments.

By not dealing with such damage the Council may be opening itself up to claims for injury or damage adding further burdens on the taxpayer. 

This really needs resolving.